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100% of your donation will be directly applied to
Disaster Relief Efforts
in Nepal
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is a deeply-appreciated
demonstration of your
support and enthusiasm
for our work.
Nepal’s Catastrophe
An Update from Dr. T, Founder of Everest Learning Academy (ELA)
& Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community (EEC),
A Humanitarian Organization Honored
as an International NGO by Nepal’s Government
Nepal Disaster Update - before I go to Nepal to give the homeless victims some hope.
I still can’t believe it. Just 4 weeks ago I was sitting with my group members in the "teachers’ lounge” at the second floor of the dilapidated high school of Muchok, in the mountainous Gorkha district of Nepal. I was guiding the group on a humanitarian trekking expedition in the Himalayas, as I have been doing twice a year since 1999 while working with another Nepali non-profit. The group was introduced to the many remote destitute communities and schools that my organization, Everest Learning Academy (ELA), has been supporting since 2010. ELA receives all of its funding from the humanitarian organization Ecopolitan (EEC). Together with the villagers - and in full partnership with them - ELA creates the infrastructure that increases the attendance in schools, supports a healthy environment and wholesome nutrition, builds community centers, educates illiterate parents, and provides better socioeconomic opportunities. This sustainable approach is the MOST EFFECTIVE, PREVENTIVE approach against child trafficking, in a country so poor and neglected that every year 15,000 of its children are taken away into prostitution and slavery, especially in neighbouring India. ELA eliminates this tragedy, while creating a healthy, thriving future for tens of thousands of children in hundreds of schools and community centers within many districts of Nepal.
But now, 2 of these districts, Gorkha and Lamjung, with their hundreds of villages and community schools nestling among steep, fragile mountain slopes, have been hit the hardest. They were at the EPICENTER OF THE EARTHQUAKE. But most of us don’t hear about them - they are not easily accessible and most of the world’s attention is given to the capital of Kathmandu, where densly-populated large old buildings collapsed, killing thousands. The remote villages are again neglected in favour of the big polluted city. But they suffered much greater devastation!
We are limited in resources. But we MUST ACT FAST to get things done BEFORE MONSOON RAINS make life for many thousands of homeless victims even closer to hell, and new construction almost impossible.
Many of our schools there were destroyed 2 days ago. In our Muchok high school, where we built a science lab and provided educational supplies, the second floor collapsed during a teachers’ meeting - killing 7 of our teachers and principles. The school in Kalabari, Lamjung - where we built a new roof, improved the school grounds, and were in the midst of building new classrooms - lost most of its buildings as they collapsed into the steep valley. The school in Kharibot, where we have created a child care center, provided furniture, and celebrated and danced twice a year with the local community, has been completely destroyed. 100% of the houses in some of our villages, where my groups visit regularly - are gone, totally gone, with all their stored food and and domestic animals buried under the rubbles. NOTHING is left of Kharibot, and Olang, and Apun - villages that hosted us so generously and graciously 4 weeks ago, showering us with gifts they can’t afford to give. Over 70% of the homes in the kalabari villages, who gave us shelter for 2 nights when we were caught in a rainstorm during our trek of October 2013, have been destroyed.
Some of the villagers died - we don’t know the full extent of the tragedy yet. But we do know that the entire population of survivors, without food or shelter, aggregated in our schoolyards and wept and slept there for 2 days, fearing further collapse during the aftershocks. Community leaders from Gorkha, who work closely with ELA and Ecopolitan, have called our ELA headquarters (in the district of Chitwan, within the flat Nepali lowlands that were not heavily affected), crying with desperation over the total loss of all their village's homes and all their meager possessions. Krishna Dhital and his wife Mira from Kharibot, who hosted and fed my group members just a month ago, have lost everything, just like their fellow villagers. Thakur Pandey, ELA Program Coordinator, has lost his Gorkha home that has been owned by his family of social workers for several generations. Now his son, Ananda Pandey, ELA’s Chairperson, was given the task of going to Gorkha to send detailed reports of the devastation, to provide encouragement to the villagers, and to help me plan the best course of action to save our mountain communities and protect their thousands of children from starvation, neglect, disease, and worse of all - child trafficking.
ELA is in a unique position to make a real difference in the lives of these villagers - since it is well known and trusted by the communities and has strong connections with the leaders and elders of each village, many of whom are teachers and principles in our schools. We are proven insiders, and the Nepali government supports our work in spirit, cooperating with us on several projects. Other organizations that may try to get into these remote districts - where they have never worked before - are not likely to succeed and their financial support might not be effectively utilized. ELA’s assistance can more readily reach those needing it most, with minimal waste of resources, thanks to our deep contact with these local communities and our track record of working with them for many years, even BEFORE the recent earthquake.
Many expeditions arrive in Nepal to help the victims of this disaster (mostly in Kathmandu), but most of them arrive too late to help the injured in remote villages, and in our mountain districts the disaster area is too wide-spread and too inaccessible. Almost all the money donated for disaster relief by large corporations will be spent in the Kathmandu valley - easily accessible and visible to the world. Much of the money will stay in the hands of corrupt public officials and corrupt local organization leaders that will pretend to support the Nepali people.
People who are called to help are welcome to visit our disaster zone and offer their skills, but the most important support they can offer now is direct funding of rescue operations (food, shelter, and health care for survivors) and construction activities. The large financial investment in airplane tickets and supplies for just ONE expedition can be enough to rehabilitate several villages. Therefore the most effective assistance is to contribute financially to the remote communities via a recognized, respected local organization that knows the members of the community and their true needs. ELA will transfer the entire donation toward rescue and prevention efforts, and support sustainable rehabilitation into the distant future.
We must provide immediate supplies, food, and temporary shelter to the thousands of homeless villagers in our mountain communities that were destroyed by the earthquake׳s epicenter.
We must build shelters and homes QUICKLY BEFORE MONSOON SEASON turns everything into mud and strong rains interrupt operations. Mudslides are a big risk in the mountains, especially after a big earthquake.
We must rebuild our many destroyed Gorkha and Lamjung schools - and use them also as Community Care Centers for our Mothers’ Groups, Adult Literacy Programs, and health & hygiene support centers.
An urgent-care / first-aid / community clinic must be built for these remote rural areas to assist in the recovery now and into the future. We (EEC, on behalf of ELA) have already acquired the land for this.
A large guesthouse for volunteers, emergency shelter, and disaster-relief workers must be built near the clinic, to support the disaster recovery into the future and to assist in similar situations that inevitably will arise . The rural areas of Nepal have no infrastructure of this kind, yet they constitute the majority of Nepal, where most Nepali reside! Kathmandu, the capital, gets all the attention and money, but the people in greatest need during catastrophe are the remote mountain villages!
Many of our remote villerages and schools in the mountainous Gorkha & Lumjung Districts, where I have volunteered and ELA has operated for many years, are totally gone, some of them have not even one house standing. The homeless survivors and their children, in the thousands, urgently need supplies, food, and shelter. They sleep outside in our destroyed schoolyards and are running out of basic survival items. They are at immediate risk, including that child trafficking. Earthquake-related orphans must be brought into our orphanages in Tanahun and Chitwan districts, where our many schools and communities are still intact. They will be adopted by ELA and taken care of until adulthood (get food, education, health care, and nurturing with our family of dedicated social workers - for many years to come).
Almost no money and support are available in those remote, inaccessible areas - most relief organizations are focusing on Kathmandu (the capital city of Nepal) and those who try to help the rural villagers have no experience working with them or access to their communities. ELA is in a unique insider's position to help them sustainably rehabilitate from this disaster in the next few weeks as well as the next few decades.
We need at least $250,000 to help the Villagers rebuild their homes (that will be enough for 500 homes - about 5 villages that were totally erased, see terraced picture above), BEFORE monsoon season takes over! We need another $250,000 to re-build a total of 1000 homes, and another $250,000 to re-build the schools and create the permanent clinic and community health center
Large donors will recive special recognition, contributing to the legacy of their parents or families, and will be honored in various ways.
All the charitable contributions are tax deductible and will FULLY support the recovery efforts in the neglected areas of rural Nepal near the epicenter, where ELA’s humanitarian projects have been significant even prior to the earthquakes. We are there for an extended duration, for the long term rehabilitation, not just for a quick "moment of glory” until media coverage moves elsewhere.
רעידת האדמה בנפאל-אסון ענקי
עזרו לילדים עכשיו!
רעידת האדמה הרסה חיי רבים, אלפי בתים, ובתי ספר בקהילות הנתמכות ע״י ELA. למעלה מ-70% מהבתים באיזורים ההרריים בהם מרוכזת פעילות ELA נהרסו כליל באיזורי גורקה ולמג׳ונג.
לצערנו אין לנו משאבים זמינים להתאושש מההרס והיגון.
Everest Learning Academy – ELA – הוא ארגון הומניטרי נפאלי שהקים ד״ר תל-אורן, ונתמך על ידי הארגון Ecopolitan (אקופוליטן) האמריקאי, ארגון לא ממשלתי בינלאומי המוכר על ידי ממשלת נפאל, שגם אותו הקים ד׳׳ר תל–אורן. באמצעות ELA, אקופוליטן תומך בחינוך, בריאות, ותשתית חברתית בקהילות נזקקות, וכך מונע סחר בילדים – תופעה נוראית במדינה ענייה כמו נפאל, ש–15,000 מילדיה נסחרים לעבדות ולזנות כל שנה, בעיקר בהודו.
אקופוליטן וELA מחנכים ומגנים על 16,000 ילדים נפאלים, בונים בתי יתומים ובתי ספר (כרגע 175 בתי ספר ברשת ELA), מספקים חינוך לאמהות (25 אירגוני אמהות ברשת) ולכפריים שמעולם לא למדו קרוא וכתוב, ובונים מרכזים קהילתיים רבים לחינוך ילדים שאינם במסגרת כלשהיא ולכן נמצאים בסיכון גבוה לסחר בילדים. כמו כן, אנו תומכים בתשתית הקהילתית במאות אזורים כפריים נידחים, מבחינה בריאותית, חינוכית, כלכלית, ואירגונית – באופן בר קיימא: כל הקהילות שותפות מלאות בפעילויות המגוונות.
מספר רב של בתי ספר ברשת ELA באיזורי גורקה ולמג׳ונג נהרסו. בחלק מהכפרים (קאריבוט, אולנג, אפוּן, קלברי) נהרסו כמעט כל הבתים, וכל התושבים חסרי מזון ומחסה – וישנים בחוץ על עפר הרחבות של בתי הספר ההרוסים ששימשו כמרכזים קהילתיים. בבכי תמרורים, ראשי הקהילות מדווחים ליו’’ר ELA (אננדה פאנדה) על אובדן כל הרכוש של תושבי הכפרים. בכפר אולנג ובקאריבוט, אותם מבקר ד’’ר תל–אורן ביחד עם קבוצות תיירים בטראקים ההומניטריים שהוא מדריך פעמיים בשנה, נהרגו מספר תושבים. בבית הספר הגדול שלנו במוצ׳וק שבאזור גורקה, נהרגו 7 ממורי ומנהלי הבית ספר בעת אסיפת מורים בקומה השנייה במבנה הרעוע אותו אנו תמיד מבקרים. ד׳׳ר תל–אורן שלח את מנהלי ELA לאיזורי האסון על מנת לדווח ישירות על הנעשה בשטח למען הקהילות, ועל מנת לעודד את תושבי הכפרים הנידחים – לעזור להם לדעת שהם לא לבד בזמן קשה זה.
האסון דורש מאמץ עצום ומשאבים כבירים עבור ELA כדי להקל על הסבל ולהציל את הילדים מפורענות:
1. אנו חייבים להעביר מזון ואמצעי מחסה זמניים לתושבים שאיבדו הכל. יתומים חדשים וילדים חסרי כל מאיזורי האסון יצטרכו להצטרף לבתי היתומים שלנו, שהם היחידים באזורים המרוחקים הללו.
2. בתי הספר והמסגרות החינוכיות שלנו יצטרכו להיבנות מחדש כדי למנוע סיכון של סחר בילדים.
3. מרכזים קהילתיים ואלפי בתים יצטרכו להיבנות מחדש כדי למנוע התמוטטות הקהילות.
4. מרפאה קהילתית גדולה המספקת גם עזרה ראשונה ושירותי בריאות באיזורים נידחים, וגם מחנכת מטפלים בכפרים המרוחקים, חייבת להבנות בדחיפות על מנת לעזור באסונות מסוג זה בעתיד.
5. בית הארחה למתנדבים ועובדים המקלים על אסונות מסוג זה חייב להיבנות ליד המרפאה.
נכון שמגיעות משלחות לעזרה ראשונה מכל העולם, אך רובן מגיעות מאוחר מידי (כל הנפגעים מהכפרים המרוחקים כבר הועברו לבתי החולים העירוניים המרכזיים על ידי מסוקים), והאסון מתפרס על שטחים נירחבים מידי וקשים מידי לגישה. רק הכסף של כרטיסי הטיסה של משלחת אחת יכול לשקם כמה כפרים!! העזרה האפקטיבית ביותר היא תרומה כספית ישירה לקהילות הנידחות באמצעות אירגון הומאניטרי מוכר, מכובד, ומקומי המכיר את חברי הקהילה והצרכים שלהם לעומק, והמעביר את סך כל התרומות למטרתן החשובה – להצלה ולמניעה.
הקהילות זקוקות למשאבים לבניה ושיקום יותר מאשר לעזרה של אנשים המגיעים לשם בהוצאות ענק ואינם יודעים בדיוק מה צריך לעשות בשטח (הם לא מבינים בבניה נפאלית, אין להם גישה לבתי ספר מרוחקים ונידחים והם לא יודעים כיצד לעזור לקהילות לבנות את עצמם). ELA עובד ישירות עם הקהילות ויכול לעזור להם לבנות את עצמן באופן בר קיימא לטווח הארוך.
אלפי ילדים ומאות קהילות זקוקים כעת לתרומה שלכם! תרמו ככל יכולתכם וסייעו במניעת סבל נורא של ילדים וקהילותיהם.
אפילו עזרה סמלית של כמה עשרות ש״ח בלבד יכולה להיות משמעותית להצלת ילדים מרעב והענקת מחסה.